If you want the recipe for this, you'll have to by Mama Pea's great book, peas and thank you.
This recipe is a 4 spoon recipe, though I still may tweak it a little. It was a messy recipe to make, but well worth the effort. I used more flour than called for because my dough was super sticky (maybe it was me). I also used mostly whole wheat pastry flour and only about 1/2-3/4 cups of white all purpose flour. Using white flour at all is a problem for me because I think it's evil. Unless it's a holiday or a special "old family" recipe, I never use the stuff. If I could, find a way not to use it at all in this recipe without compromising the recipe's flavor, I would. Still. the cinnamon rolls turned out well. I made the dough and put together the rolls on Saturday night, then let them rise Sunday morning before baking them. They smelled great cooking and I constantly had kids come it asking if they were ready yet. Ya gotta love that!
Once the cinnamon rolls cooled slightly, I cut them apart and put them on a serving platter. I was a little worried because they seemed more dense (the result of mostly whole wheat pastry flour I'm assuming) and less "fluffy" than I wanted. After plating them, I drizzled them with icing. I used Mama Pea's icing recipe, just cutting down on the cream cheese, because my kids aren't big fans. I also used my own powdered sugar, vanilla, milk, margarine icing mixture. DH said they tasted like Cinnabons, and 2 of my 3 boys thought they were incredible. Only my healthiest eater seemed not to care for them, which is a little perplexing to me. I refrigerated the left overs which rewarmed beautifully in the microwave (30 sec) for breakfast again this morning. I actually thought they tasted better today than they did yesterday. My oldest said,"It doesn't matter either way, they're still amazing!" Outta the mouth of a hungry teenager....So while I won't be making them every day, much to the chagrin of 2 of my children, they will be made again. They were much better than the ones you get in the store, bake, and spread icing on. And the best thing: I know exactly what went into them...real ingredients and lots of love.