Another thing I am doing is investigating more gluten free recipes and products. We had this cornbread mix with homemade bean soup the other night and it was delicious. I have tried so many cornbread recipes and this mix is the best I've had. Everyone really liked it. I made mine into cornbread muffins rather than in a flat pan.
I am also working on expanding my football food list. This was last year's football food blog post. August is a struggle for my family food wise, so I'm trying to stay on top of things. Look for this year's football food post in the coming weeks.
Besides football food, I also have taken each child's likes and requests into consideration and made my school lunches food list. I do this every year as well since likes and dislike change from time to time. This list goes in the front of my recipe binder for easy reference. It is really helpful so I can keep up the variety in the kids' lunches.