Friday, August 26, 2011


So yesterday was great for me , but also really weird.

I went shopping to try to find a dress to wear to the Donny Osmond concert  on Monday (no jokes, please. Donny rocks!) ...I know, nothing like waiting till the last minute!  My procrastination was purposeful, however, because I have been losing weight and didn't want to buy something last month that wouldn't fit me now. Anyway, I went to Penney's. One note about shopping: I have always hated it. Even when I was 21 and 125 pounds, I just didn't want to take the time or spend the money...not normal for a girl, I know. I also wasn't a fashion plate (still am not). I just wore what I liked and what was comfortable. Whether it was fashionable or not, well, that's another story.

While shopping, I was leery of finding anything I thought would look good on me, because I am not happy with my body. And, when you are not happy with your body, shopping is a real bitch! Surprisingly enough, I found myself actually enjoying the shopping experience. I must have tried on 6 or 7 dresses, but, in the end, I opted for a nice skirt and top. It is stylish and cute and fashionable, but because I'm not used to wearing anything but shorts and tees here in the desert, it feels strange to wear something even slightly dressy. It just doesn't feel like me. But, I needed something to wear and so I got it.  DH likes it a lot so that is good. I'll tell you one thing:   I really could have used my sisters  for a sounding board in the dressing room rather than talking to myself, especially Jennie, because she's always had an eye for fashion. Even if it's not her style, she can always tell what looks good together.

After deciding on the skirt and top, I made one more pass by the petite section, and a cute little 90210- like baby doll dress just jumped out at me. I used to wear them all the time in college, but couldn't wrap my head around a 43 year old wearing one. I don't think I'm old, I just wondered if some things shouldn't be left in the past. I don't know. After I went home, I did nothing but think about that casual summer dress, so much that  I was a little obsessed. Not sure if  I'll go back to get it or not. Yes, I really like it. Yes, it fit. Yes, it is perfect summer desert couture. But, no, I didn't go back to get it. I actually have been avoiding buying too many new items because with losing weight, I hate to buy something, wear it once, and then out skinny it  and not be able to wear it again. I think I'd rather wait till next spring/ summer when I'm even smaller...even maybe to where I want my weight to be, because then I'll actually really get some use out of it.

The best part about shopping...drum roll please!......I got to shop in the misses section... in the misses section, NOT in the plus size section! I was thrilled! And, I wasn't in the largest  misses size which really made me feel good. I kinda felt a little out of it, like I was in shock or something. It was weird, truly. I just felt good not having a tag on my clothing that had a single number followed by an X. At least it's progress. I really needed this shopping trip too, because at  only 25 pounds down, my scale just seems to take forever to move. And, this shopping excursion was excellent motivation for me to continue my journey.

 The last think I did before going home? 

 I drove by Lane Bryant and waved goodbye.


Jennie said...

I wish I could have been there to help you, but I'm glad you got something you liked & felt good in. You are doing awesome! Keep it up!

Shannon said...

Thanks, Jennie, but I still would have felt better with your fashion sense in the vicinity!